I run a Hatha Yoga class at Flow Motion Life, a movement studio, just off Olde English Rd in Matlock. New students are always welcomed into this friendly group. I aim to meet the needs of a variety of fitness levels, with a blend of gentle and more challenging practices. Take a look at these testimonials from regular students. This class is live online, via Zoom, at the same time as the studio session. Please get in touch for log in details – janecollinsyoga@gmail.com
9.45am until 10.45am every Tuesday. The class fee is £10. Please pay this if you have spare cash for self care. But if money feels tight, (I absolutely understand this), you can choose to pay £9, £8 or as low as £7. You can make the decision yourself, and if sometimes you earn more or less money, you can always change your mind.